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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:24 pm
by xr6eta
In a nutshell because that's all you need when you only have 5 members meeting over the course of a weekend:

Darren (Quick Et Turbo) got there with his mates after a mammoth drive from the other side of Melbourne on Friday night but because my car had shit itself, I couldn't be there to catch them then. Couldn't get my car going on Friday morning so headed off in family car. Contact with Tass indicated he was going to be about half an hour ahead on the highway after flying in to Sydney to meet up with his young bloke.
Got a call from Darren about 2:30pm, still 2 hours out of Port Macquarie saying his mates wanted to head back to Sydney for a night there and he had no choice but to go with them. Organised to catch up at pub in Port on his way back through. Meanwhile Glenn (Renegade) had left Port for Emerald Beach so our timing just wasn't happening.
Caught up with Darren for a schooner in Port and Tass joined us a short time later. All headed off from there, us north, Darren south. By this time it was getting late so spoke with Glenn who agreed to meet us for a pub meal at Macksville. Had a great meal, caught up with Glenn and the clan and then we split from there.
Got to Coffs Harbour where we loaded up with piss and headed for Emerald Beach, all 3 of us. About 10pm by this time, got a call from Sok (Kid Nismo) who was planning to leave about 3am to get to us by lunch next day. Told him how it had gone to crapper with numbers and was his call but no pressure to go. Got a call back as we got to caravan park from Sok to say him and his brother were leaving Sydney as we spoke.
Tass and I sat up drinking until 05:45am and then thought we'd better get a couple of hours sleep in. Woke up and 10 just as Sok was calling to say he was out the front. Headed out the front to catch a glimpse of the sole n12 et turbo on the National Cruise and 2 young blokes with big grins on their faces. Spent about an hour and half with Sok and his brother Pang before they had to head off back to Sydney. Very short time for a huge drive but they did have the pleasure of seeing the manager of the van park come out with the good news that they had received a noise complaint about the people in Cabin 90, namely us and that we were passed our checkout time of 10am. I told him I was going to stay another night and he indicated that wasn't going to happen. After we gave him what for, he changed his mind and said I could stay. I told him to forget it, he could go and recover the $90 he just lost from another nights stay off the whinging old pricks across the way, I'll go elsewhere. After getting a picture of the only N12 out the front of the caravan park, the boys headed off back to Sydney. Tass and me packed up and headed off. As quick as it began, it was all over.
If you're still reading after all that, personally:
Tass, it was great to finally put a face to the name and spend some quality drinking time with you and the young fella talking shit. Had a ball. Darren, I could see how disappointed you were, after the effort you went to to get there and the whole thing go to shit but we really appreciate your effort getting there and I will catch up next time I visit the old's in Frankston. It was a great effort mate, good luck finalising the sr20 build. Hope you had a win at the casino. Sok and Pang, monumental effort to drive 700k's for an hour and a half turnaround, it was great to see both of you. Hope the exhaust goes back together okay. Will definately catch up again, whether you're in an ET or a skyline mate you'll always be welcome with us, great effort.
The National Cruise at the central location accumulated approx 7000 - 8000k's of travel distance between 5 members, but I can now put 3 faces to member Id's that I couldn't before (already knew Renegade) and the personality that goes with those faces, and for that it was worth it. Would do it again, but some effort from others would need to be gaurenteed next time (food for thought). Long winded but had to get it out. A couple of pics will follow when I download them from camera.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:38 pm
by Ash
well that sounds fairly sad. i wish i could of come even though it was a fizzer.

i think for next year we need to get it organised nice and early as to where and when and have it listed at the top of the forum page as a reminder to all members. give us all something to work toward and always keep it in our minds that it is happening.
i am super keen personally and hate that i couldn't make the cruise just past.
i think with a lot of us we are struggling financially and with our N12's so with a lot of notice and a reminder every time we look to the top of the page we can have an aim.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:39 pm
by tassuperkart
Hi Lads
Glenn, Glenn, Darren, Sok and Pang.
Really enjoyed finally meeting you guys in person and I am certain we will be meeting again in the not too distant future.
I hope your ears are not ringing too lound from my verballing!

Sok and Pang. All I can say to you two is EPIC EFFORT!!!
*tassuperkart salutes and bows very very low*

The rest of you are obviously men that could be relied upon in a real pinch and I hope we all remain firm friends into the future.
Top effort lads.

Glenn (xr6eta) M8, jack and i had a hoot of a time with you. He really enjoyed your company and both of us will make a trip down to Canberra next time Im up there for beers, shits and giggles if youll have us!

To be honest, sorry M8, but 6 MONTHS notice is more than enough for these guys to save up a couple of bucks and band together to go for a bit of a drive and get together.
Its not so much about the actual cars, but about getting together with like minded dudes, having a laugh and swapping ideas and stories just like we did up to sparrows fart on sunday morning!
So if a car is unable to come along, what stops 2 dudes from SHARING the costs and coming in one car hmmm?

Its not too hard. Go out one less night a month, mebbe suffer mummies cooking an extra night a week instead of blowing 12 bucks at Hungy Jacks and save 100 bucks each month and that is plenty enough budget to get there and back from anywhere.

I believe that If i book the venue now for this time next year the same tired old excuses will roll out as the time approaches.
No ticker is all.

Dont count me in for another "cruise" tho. Ill probably just get together with my friends at my home, or theirs, in future. Sos at least ill know theyll be there!!!!! Baaaahahahahahaha!


Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:06 pm
by xr6eta
Sorry about the size of these pics in mb's but I haven't learnt to use all this techno shit yet. Besides, there's only a couple of them. If anyone thinks they can better any of the awards given out, next time SHOW THE HELL UP.


First prize, voted best, fastest, most well constructed N12 ET on 2010 National Cruise goes to SOK aka Kid Nismo. Tass and young bloke Jack look on in evny.


Noise complaint award goes to oldest 2 trouble makers on 2010 National Cruise, Tass on Left and Glenn (xr6eta) on right, with Jack and Sok bathing in our glory.


Whose taking the photo's here old fella.

Sorry Ash, with all respect I'm fully with Tass here and I've sussed out a couple of stats from the post.
National Cruise idea first floated on Jan 10, 2010.
National Cruise location vote posted on Feb 28, 2010.
National Cruise location voted Coffs Harbour on Mar 12, 2010.
National Cruise dates proposed on Mar 16, 2010.
National Cruise actual dates posted on Mar 28 2010.
6 and 1/2 months from go to whoa. I have idea's as for the next shmuck to try and organise something but I have some homework to do first. This time there will be no negotiations, I will float an idea, location and costings and anyone who is interested will be in after a deposit is paid, those that don't wish to put forward a deposit, will not be in. Stay tuned, this is the last I will say about the 2010 National Cruise, I enjoyed my trip away and took plenty out of it.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:38 pm
by SET23L
hi guys
i just wanna say how devo'd i was that i couldnt make the cruise.
but i tottally aggree with E, savin a bit of money to go on a cruise to meet the guys we so much in common with isnt that hard it only takes about 15 to 20 buks a week to be able to go.

for me personnally it was the fact that the car isnt tuned properly and i dont trust driving it that far, and cause its the only car i have there was nothin i could do, but if another cruse is organised i will do everything possible to make it, for the simple reason of puting a face to every name and getting to know the guys n girls on the forum.


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:27 am
by Reswob
I'm just curious to know, would you want me humming around behind the pack in my little red non-turbo machine? I'm on my green P's and it is forbidden for me to go over 100 km/hr. Knowing my luck I'd get left behind in a cloud of dust and get completely lost. :D

Furthermore, I can't take the loud music and I'm not into the grog.....and Tasdude seems completely feral.....he might eat me... :shock:

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:48 am
by kid nismo
the whole experience was awesome for me and my bro. it was great meeting up with Glenn, Tass and Jack. classic moment was when the hotel guy came out to spill the beans about some noises complaint lol Tass and Glenn gave it to the guy, and by the end of it all, all i could hear the hotel guy repeatedly saying "im just the messenger" lol.

anyways, the cruise has proven to me that my n12 package can take 7hrs 40min punishment (constant 110km speed) each way. not once had the ET turbo over heated and everything stayed together! pretty awesome for a 1985 model car. Over taking in this beast was a breeze to do, and fuel consumption was also great.

no oil or water leaks what so ever it was just awesome car.

Me and my bro love crusing and i love my ET. this was one ultimate cruise for us!

would have been great to see other N12 there, but meeting other guys from the N12 forum was just as great.

p.s Tass, in the flesh you look like Steve Martin no offence lol

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:53 am
by Ash
righto. maybe the cruise wasn't all that high on my priority list compared to keeping my family intact. but i would still like to attend a cruise in my actual N12 turbo so am currently starting to gain interest in fixing the fucker back up for the next one which there will be even if i have to organise it myself.

call me a soft cock but i really don't give a rats ass fella's. it won't be the last N12 Turbo cruise opportunity.

Glenn/xr6eta, i agree with your point of no negotiations next time. instead of fuck assing around for a few months i believe the next cruise should be planned and set in stone before it is announced. no bullshit just a time and place ready to go and work around.


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:43 am
by samual
Hey guys.

I would of been there but my car not finished and I knew that would of been the case for the meet up.

Hope that there will be another one when my orange machine is finished.

Even if I have to take out the current box with straight cut diff as it is noisey and put in a std box.

Good to see some made it.
Love your work .

And yes is that Steve Martin in the pic.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:14 pm
by SET23L
Reswob wrote:
Furthermore, I can't take the loud music and I'm not into the grog.....and Tasdude seems completely feral.....he might eat me... :shock:

Ash wrote:righto. maybe the cruise wasn't all that high on my priority list compared to keeping my family intact. but i would still like to attend a cruise in my actual N12 turbo so am currently starting to gain interest in fixing the fucker back up for the next one which there will be even if i have to organise it myself.

call me a soft cock but i really don't give a rats ass fella's. it won't be the last N12 Turbo cruise opportunity.

ash , i dont know if it was wat i said or not but i just wanna make it clear that wat i said wasnt directed at you it was more the ppl who said that if this cruise was organised they would go but when the day came they didnt turn up with no excuse or a piss poor excuse like i couldnt afford it. to me personally saying you cant afford it is a joke cause when i lost my job back in march i still planned on going to the cruise it just meant that i couldnt spend alot of money on crap i didnt really need. and im still without a job atm but was still gunna go if i could have gotten the car tuned in time.
so for all you fellas who said that they were gunna go and didnt show cause udidnt have the funds ilet me tell you i think its a load of crap


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:17 pm
by Ash
SET23L wrote:
Ash wrote:righto. maybe the cruise wasn't all that high on my priority list compared to keeping my family intact. but i would still like to attend a cruise in my actual N12 turbo so am currently starting to gain interest in fixing the fucker back up for the next one which there will be even if i have to organise it myself.

call me a soft cock but i really don't give a rats ass fella's. it won't be the last N12 Turbo cruise opportunity.

ash , i dont know if it was wat i said or not but i just wanna make it clear that wat i said wasnt directed at you it was more the ppl who said that if this cruise was organised they would go but when the day came they didnt turn up with no excuse or a piss poor excuse like i couldnt afford it. to me personally saying you cant afford it is a joke cause when i lost my job back in march i still planned on going to the cruise it just meant that i couldnt spend alot of money on crap i didnt really need. and im still without a job atm but was still gunna go if i could have gotten the car tuned in time.
so for all you fellas who said that they were gunna go and didnt show cause udidnt have the funds ilet me tell you i think its a load of crap

no offence taken dude. all good :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:08 pm
by tassuperkart
Thats it Ash.
You never confirmed you were going at anytime. Only stated a it was a good idea. So no finger pointing in your direction K.
My comments were aimed across the board and at nobody in particular.

Anywhoo, I had a blast, my son had a blast and my friends up there had a blast and thats all that concerns me.

Oh yer, i get the Steve Martin thing quite a bit. No offense!
I got pretty thick skin!!! LMAO


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:53 pm
by thepurplepulsar
It was always going to be a huge ask to get a decent turnout, but it was good to see a few of you guys committing to the cruise and making the trip up there regardless of there being 5 or 50 people attending. Even though there was only a few of you, I'm glad to hear you all walked away with a positive experience.

Good on ya fellas.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:01 pm
by tassuperkart
Thanks Uschi.
We had a lot of fun thats for sure.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:32 pm
by Ash
i see it as a start to something good. it may have only been small but it was positive. i think if we make this a once a year every year type deal then it will grow. same date roughly same location maybe not? lets say i am commiting myself to the next one now. :wink: