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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:45 am
by panagiwtis N13
tassuperkart wrote:OK, IM a longtime project delayer and I have been deflecting this kind of warfare for more years than most of you have been alive.

Im with him above but sometimes women have the habit of making life rather unpleasant if they dont get their way when they try the thumbprint on the forehead thing.
Witholding of sex is one of their better tactics they will deploy ruthlessly. Remember, they may act like a slut and root you senseless in the early part of a relationship but fundamentally, they are not sluts and happily do without it for months on end. They will never give up. You will become a blathering mess at their mercy and it might even ruin your relationship if its let go too far and you end up wandering around with other stray women.
Nagging and whining will increase more than you can possibly imagine!

Its mostly a money and time thing with them. They just see it as a WOFTAM. They can perfectly justify another pair of shoes, expensive knickers or a handbag to the collection thay they NEVER seem to use but they think anything you spend on a car is a total crime and just think what they could do with all that extra money and how much stuff could be done around the house with the extra time.

So, explain you are committed to the project, 1: You have been doing mechanmical projects since WAAAAYYY before she ever met you and you you enjoy it and it makes you happy. (This is a very potent wepon when used sparingly) Can backfire if used indiscriminately!!
2: If you sell it now, its going to loose you a whole lot more than if you finish it and sell then.
This isnt necessarily true but sometimes buys you a lot more time and she may just tolerate it a whole lot more when its actually finished and actually making you happy!!!!

Secondly, ENSURE that you actually DO some work on your various projects REGULARLY. Concentrate on VISUAL PROGRESS. Something you can actually SHOW them.
This particular item is a MAJOR part of their substantial arsenal of reasons as to WHY you should get rid of it. "All that car rubbish just sits here rusting away" and blah blah fucking blah bushes!

Make sure you come in SMILING, covered in grime, after toiling away at it.
Clean yourself up real nice ensuring you clean off the dags on your arsehole that leave wheelies on the jocks (they hate skidmarks, better still learn to wipe your ring more thoroughly), clean under you fucking nails, pluck those pesky nose hairs and shave and apply a tiny bit of aftershave!
Offer to make them a coffee or other drink, do something nice occasionally, a little more often if you are already a snag.
This is especially important around the house. Move that pile of crap against the fence, mow the lawn. Just do something positive without having to be asked.
DO NOT, under ANY circumstances overdo it. They will smell that a mile away (along with your stinky arsehole) if the yard looks like a result of a Backyard Blitz makeover!

A womans "smell a rat" function is highly developed and works faultlessly if you slip up even just a bit.
DO NOT grab them like a fucking Neanderthal and try to fuck them like an animal over the end of the lounge while the kids are asleep if you get a positive response and they snuggle up and get jiggie wid it!
You will not even live to regret that decision.
They dont want to be rooted, they want to be HELD and cuddled and have pleasant things said to them......................under NO circumstances go the grope on them.. not even a casual arm around the shoulder and whoops, brushed the titty...oh well might as well give it a little squeeze while im there....bad move!.

If they want to root, youll know! If they do, then do them properly, dont just climb into the saddle that bang away. Fix them right up. Do a real good job here and sometimes they even cry a little.
You are then entitled to a medal! But dont go getting all cocky about it.
Make it LAST lades, but dont bang on them like a human piston.... they dont like that much outside of porn moofees or they are blind drunk.

However, do not suddenly give them EVERYTHING all at once and act like some kind of soft-cocked EMO.
As previously mentioned, their highly tuned and bullshit sensitive "smeh larat" function will kick in harder than Jacki Chan on crack and the whole jig will be up. You WILL loose and it WILL hurt!

Lastly, allow her shoes, handbags and other girlie stuff shes unlikely to EVER wear. Just get over it and bear it. Compliment them when they show you some hideous bag that looks like a 100 year old Crocodiles scrotum (ball-bag).
They do NOT appreciate being lectured about how many shoes and bags they have like they like to badger you about YOUR projects.

Dont roll the eyes, drop a big sigh and droop the shoulders in resignation when she places yet another dust collecting glass trinket around the loungeroom.
Man it up and say "thats nice" when they ask you to comment.
Better still, comment is some positive way without her having to badger you about it.
Beware, do NOT gush about it. They know full well you dont like figurines and trinkets! Gush over it and your lying and they will tell you. Just comment positively. They dont actually CARE whether you like it or not. They just want you to notice thats all!!!!!
There is no pride to be lost here gentlemen, only your beloved mechanical projects and your self-esteem.
With women, is a "do as I say and NOT as I do" kinda scenario.

Listen to this old master of deception. Ive been in this game for many years my young friends!
My daughter is older than the vast majority of you. I have finely tuned and refined my methods!
I never have to crawl or fawn. Its a timing thing as well but youll have to learn that timing part on your own.
I have wisdom to impart!!!!!!

With practise, youll be able to master this delicate balancing art and indeed even INCREASE your number of projects!!! You might even get a good root too!

Have fun.

make this answer a "sticky" post! oh,my it possible that all women around the world are the same?? the things that E wrote are right and true.i'm telling that because lot of times i was close to get "burned" by a was total nightmare..! but we can't do without them,at least not for a long time. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:58 am
by Callumgw
panagiwtis N13 wrote: but we can't do without them,at least not for a long time. :wink:
I know I can't, but they say 1 in 10 blokes can.....


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:11 pm
by panagiwtis N13
to be honest Callumgw i've met people around here that for a long time were alone and they didn't cared so much maybe because they like not to be under "pressure".personally i think that women have forget their role and they are trying to do or make things that traditionally a man makes,so many problems occur from this.communication problems mostly i would say.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:17 pm
by Callumgw
panagiwtis N13 wrote:to be honest Callumgw i've met people around here that for a long time were alone and they didn't cared so much maybe because they like not to be under "pressure".personally i think that women have forget their role and they are trying to do or make things that traditionally a man makes,so many problems occur from this.communication problems mostly i would say.
oh these '1 in 10' aren't alone, just not with girls.


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:24 pm
by panagiwtis N13

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:41 pm
by BennyET
panagiwtis N13 wrote:to be honest Callumgw i've met people around here that for a long time were alone and they didn't cared so much maybe because they like not to be under "pressure".personally i think that women have forget their role and they are trying to do or make things that traditionally a man makes,so many problems occur from this.communication problems mostly i would say.
spot on man, they call it "feminism" (women taking on mens roles, only prob not many men will take their roles) pfft its silly, abandon family, seek a career!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:47 pm
by Ash
Callumgw wrote:
panagiwtis N13 wrote:to be honest Callumgw i've met people around here that for a long time were alone and they didn't cared so much maybe because they like not to be under "pressure".personally i think that women have forget their role and they are trying to do or make things that traditionally a man makes,so many problems occur from this.communication problems mostly i would say.
oh these '1 in 10' aren't alone, just not with girls.

:lol: :lol: :lol: