Turbo work in SA. Anyone had it done?

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Turbo work in SA. Anyone had it done?

Post by BADET-4 »

Hey i've stripped a turbo of mine and given it a good bath as it was caked with shit. Anyway i didnt bother to mark the turbines with there relative position on the shaft because i dont trust myself to get it 100% accurate. So what i wanna know is if anyone has had a simple balance done on there turbs before re-assembly? If so where at and how much? I dont mind interstate so much as postage is only about $30 return.

Passhole (păs'hōl') The person who has been driving slowly for ages but speeds up the moment one tries to get ahead of him.
Sarchasm (sär'kăz'əm) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.
Ignoranus (ĭg'nə-rā'nəs) A person who is both stupid and an arsehole.
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